I Like the Way You Move, Part 4/4

Jul 15, 2011 22:07

Title: I Like the Way You Move, Part 4/4
Author: mimi_oly
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Focus: Onew/Kyuhyun/Eunhyuk
Word count: Part Four: 2750. Total, 8000.
Genre: Friendship, Smut
Summary: Jinki asks Hyukjae for help with his dancing and gets more of an education than he bargained for. Set in April/May 2010.

Clicky here for the epic pic spam.

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

“You’ve got the steps, but you could still improve the feel of the dance,” Hyukjae told Jinki ten minutes into their next practice session. “You need more attitude, more swagger.”

“I’ll do my best, hyung.” Jinki bowed, accepting the criticism.

“Relax, kiddo,” Hyukjae responded gently, caressing Jinki’s shoulder. “That’s what I’m talking about. You need to loosen up.”

“I’ve got just the thing,” called out Kyuhyun from his corner. He pulled a bottle of soju out of his bag.

“You’re a bad influence on our hoobae,” Hyukjae joked.

“Hyung,” Kyuhyun exaggerated the honorific, “you know it works.”

Jinki just caught sight of the flush flooding Hyukjae’s cheeks before Kyuhyun was shoving a cup in his hand.

“Drink up,” Kyuhyun ordered with a friendly grin.

Jinki downed the shot and boldly thrust the cup out for more.

“Ho ho! Look who’s ready to play!” Kyuhyun snorted.

Jinki had been confused and unsure of himself since their earlier encounter. Coming undone in Kyuhyun’s arms had been the first sexual experience he’d shared with someone, but afterward, Kyuhyun had acted as if it hadn’t happened. To make matters worse, sometimes it seemed as if Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were sharing some sort of inside joke, and, just maybe, at Jinki’s expense.

Kyuhyun brought out another cup so that he and Jinki could pour for each other. They methodically downed their shots while they watched Hyukjae practice a solo for the upcoming concert.

“How do you feel?” Hyukjae asked Jinki after they’d polished off two bottles.

“Hardly buzzed, hyung,” answered Jinki honestly.

“Perfect. Let’s get started,” Hyukjae instructed. He nodded to Kyuhyun, who cleared away the cups and started the music.

“I want to work on this part,” Hyukjae told Jinki, demonstrating the choreography. “You know the steps, but watch the way my shoulders move,” he added. “Try to copy me.”

Jinki positioned himself close to Hyukjae and tried to catch on to the nuanced movements.

“Swagger, kiddo,” Hyukjae reminded him.

Jinki knew the choreography, but something was still missing.

“Hold on,” Hyukjae called out. He walked over to the sound system and changed the music to a slow R&B groove. “Kyuhyunie, get the lights.”

“Here we go,” Kyuhyun quietly said with a knowing smirk.

Jinki was finally feeling the soju in his veins and in his head. Hyukjae took his place behind the younger man, wrapped his arm around his waist, and started gently swaying.

“Let me lead you,” Hyukjae commanded kindly, his voice soft and low.

A shiver passed through Jinki as he remembered the feel of Kyuhyun’s taller body against his own…and what happened afterward. Hyukjae was plastered up against him, his hips and knees guiding his movements, swaying and thrusting in time to the music.

“Just go with it,” Hyukjae whispered, his lips grazing Jinki’s ear. “You’ve got to learn to let go. Don’t let anything cloud your mind,” his voice was hypnotic. “Don’t worry about the fans or your friends. Just feel the music. Be free.”

Jinki closed his eyes and relaxed into the older man. Liberated by the alcohol, he could feel his inhibitions falling away as something brave and fierce awoke inside of him. He was starting to pull away from Hyukjae and dance on his own when he felt a taller body pressed against his backside in the dimly lit room.

“You’re not ready to fly solo just yet, aegi,” Kyuhyun murmured in his ear. “That’s not how this works,” he added darkly.

Kyuhyun’s hands gripped Jinki’s hips and pulled him close just as Hyukjae backed up against Jinki from the front. The shorter man laced his fingers through Jinki’s and pulled his hands around to rest on his waist. Jinki dared a glance in a mirror and felt himself growing hard when he met the two pairs of hungry eyes staring back at him in the mirror. The sight of the three of them in a line, tallest to shortest, moving as one, was forever seared into his brain.

Hyukjae’s bony ass was grinding suggestively against his crotch and then he felt Kyuhyun’s hand dip into his pants. When he felt delicate fingertips grazing his hard length, Jinki couldn’t hold back his moan.

Kyuhyun started crooning along to the song as his hand wrapped around Jinki’s cock, forcing another desperate sound from the younger man’s lips

Hyukjae extricated himself from the three man-sandwich and Jinki heard him whisper to Kyuhyun, “Go on; he needs it.”

Hyukjae switched places with Kyuhyun and wrapped his arms around Jinki from behind, backing them up against the mirror in the process. Kyuhyun stared into Jinki’s eyes, looking like a cat about to pounce, smirking as he gracefully dropped to his knees in front of Jinki.   He wiggled the younger man’s waistband down his hips; Jinki’s erection sprang free from the confining elastic.

Any soju-fueled bravado he’d started to feel vanished. “Hyung,” Jinki’s trembling voice squeaked out, “ you can’t --“ but Kyuhyun had already wrapped his lips around the head of Jinki’s cock.

In Jinki’s wildest fantasies, he had dared to imagine a curvy coordi noona cornering him and sucking him off in some dark nook of a broadcasting studio, but the naïve young man had never dreamed anything remotely resembling the scene now being played out.

Kyuhyun’s mouth was irresistibly hot and wet, and his tongue traced the ridge of the head of Jinki’s cock. He lazily sucked the length deep into his mouth a few times just to feel Jinki shudder in Hyukjae’s arms as the younger man relished the feel of the suction.

Kyuhyun didn’t play around for long, instead passing his lips slowly up and down around Jinki’s shaft, one hand gripping the base, the other resting on Jinki’s hip to gauge and match the pace of the younger man’s restrained thrusting.

“Let yourself go,” Hyukjae breathed into Jinki’s ear.

Jinki groaned in response, enjoying the obscene sensation of Kyuhyun’s mouth on his dick. He let his hips move on their own, thrusting freely into the delicious moist heat. The pitch of his moaning voice rose higher when Kyuhyun grabbed both his hips and picked up the pace.

Kyuhyun looked up at Jinki’s face, but Jinki’s eyes were tightly shut. Behind the lids were images of the curvy noona, who quickly morphed into Hyukjae, who then changed into Kyuhyun, a lovely picture that wasn’t helping to stave off his orgasm.

The increasingly loud, pornographic slurping noises eventually reached Jinki’s brain, and he glanced down, only to meet Kyuhyun’s dark eyes.   Kyuhyun somehow managed to take Jinki in a little deeper, causing Jinki to cry out with a glorious wail. Before he had the chance to distract his mind to prolong his enjoyment, he felt the normally welcome tingly heat pooling in his groin, the pleasure building up like flood waters gathering behind a dam.

“Gawd, no…not yet,” he stuttered just before the dam burst and waves of pleasure overtook him and he spurted down Kyuhyun’s throat, convulsing in Hyukjae’s controlling, supportive embrace.

Kyuhyun tortured Jinki with a few more passes up and down his spent cock as he sucked him dry. The extra stimulation was too much and Jinki cried out again and shuddered against Hyukjae.

Kyuhyun gently tucked Jinki back into his pants, rising to his feet and swiping the back of his hand across his mouth. Hyukjae passed the sated, wobbly young man into Kyuhyun’s arms. “I hope you enjoyed lesson number two,” Kyuhyun murmured into Jinki’s ear. Kyuhyun stroked Jinki’s hair as he held the shorter man tightly.

Jinki was still leaning heavily on Kyuhyun and processing the events of the past few minutes when Kyuhyun added, “Now be a good dongsaeng and take care of hyung.”

Jinki’s brain took a moment to handle the shift from receiving his first blow job (from his hyung, and not a busty noona) to being on deck to service…which hyung did Kyuhyun mean?

“Hyung?” Jinki blinked, glancing up to find Kyuhyun smirking at him.

“Go on,” Kyuhyun spun Jinki around to face Hyukjae, who was casually stroking himself while leaning back against the mirror.

“But…I’ve never,” Jinki stuttered, “I…I don’t know how,” Jinki admitted the obvious.

“You don’t have to get on your knees, aegi,” Kyuhyun whispered, “just use your hand. You can do that for hyung, can’t you?” Kyuhyun gave Jinki a gentle shove toward the older man.

Hyukjae reached out with his free hand to guide Jinki’s hand toward his crotch, which Jinki noticed was now, post-photo shoot, as smooth as his own.

It wasn’t as weird as Jinki had feared just moments earlier. The equipment was the pretty much the same, although, Jinki noted with a touch of pride, Hyukjae was a little smaller.

Jinki stroked Hyukjae hesitantly until he remembered Kyuhyun’s comment about “lesson number one,” and he adjusted his arm so that he could angle his wrist the way he’d been shown. Hyukjae sighed contentedly as he pumped his hips shallowly. Jinki remembered their night hosting Sukira together and how nervous he’d been around the older man. He’d never imagined that weeks later he’d be jerking off his sunbae in a practice room.

The pace of Hyukjae’s hips increased, and Jinki tried to stay in synch with the older man’s rhythm. He happened to lift his eyes to the mirror, only to see Kyuhyun watching him with a dark expression. Jinki wasn’t always good at sharing his feelings, but he understood perfectly the look on Kyuhyun’s face:  jealousy.

“Hyung?” Jinki murmured. He didn’t understand the sudden hopefulness he felt.

Hyukjae opened his eyes and saw Kyuhyun’s face. As gently as possible under the circumstances, he batted Jinki’s hand away with a grin and reached for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun took Jinki’s place stroking their hyung.

A fire had started to burn inside of Jinki when he’d thought for an instant that maybe, just maybe, Kyuhyun had wanted Jinki for himself, but that fire was suddenly extinguished. Kyuhyun’s jealous look had been nothing more than possessiveness over their hyung.

Jinki took a step back and was considering a full retreat when he heard Hyukjae moan, “Such a good dongsaeng.”

Jinki looked at the two older men and saw that Kyuhyun was still gazing back longingly at him in the mirror. The jealousy on Kyuhyun’s face was gone, replaced by unmistakable yearning.

The fire inside of Jinki re-ignited, and the soju burning its way through his bloodstream told him to take what was rightfully his.

“Stop it,” Jinki muttered, his hand stilling Kyuhyun’s wrist. “You’re mine now,” he said, his voice an octave lower than before.

“Finally,” he heard Hyukjae mumble as he tucked himself into his pants before waddling off to the toilets for some privacy.

“Damn straight,” Kyuhyun managed to spit out before diving into Jinki’s arms, burying his face in the shorter man’s neck.

Jinki thought he heard Hyukjae throw a “Pabo” over his shoulder on his way out.

The remaining two swayed in place until Jinki heard Kyuhyun mumble, “Sorry.”


“I’m sorry I didn’t come right out and tell you how I feel. I just get so sick of all the hyung-dongsaeng drama, and I didn’t want you to feel pressured,” he admitted. “Hyukjae hyung’s a great teacher, and I thought I could sit back and let him use his techniques on you, but I got too jealous when I thought you were falling for him, and things got weird.”

Jinki blushed.

“Aha! I was right, wasn’t I,” Kyuhyun gloated. “It’s okay, everyone falls for hyung eventually…except his girlfriends, apparently."

Jinki let himself giggle at his sunbae’s expense. Then he felt himself being pulled tighter into Kyuhyun’s arms and felt Kyuhyun’s lips upon his. Jinki gladly yielded to the more experienced man. He sank into Kyuhyun’s warm embrace and enjoyed the sensation of Kyuhyun’s tongue teasing his palate with light flicks and languid strokes.

Jinki imagined that he could taste himself on Kyuhyun’s tongue just as Kyuhyun moved his hips against Jinki’s thigh; Jinki was reminded that the taller man still had unmet needs.

“I wanna try out lesson number two,” Jinki whispered timidly.

“Oh yeah?” Kyuhyun breathed, trying not to seem too eager. As the maknae, he was rarely on the receiving end of any kind of oral attention (except when Sungmin was feeling especially grateful and generous).

“Yeah,” Jinki answered. He slipped his hand to Kyuhyun’s crotch and palmed the taller man’s firm erection.

“Touch me,” Kyuhyun begged, barely audible.

Jinki obliged by sliding his hand inside Kyuhyun’s pants and stroking him tentatively. Kyuhyun’s body shuddered under his touch. Jinki guided Kyuhyun to the mirror and pressed him against the cold surface before dropping to his knees and working Kyuhyun’s pants down.

“You don’t have to,” Kyuhyun protested weakly, eyeing the younger man below him.

“I know,” Jinki answered as he resumed stroking Kyuhyun’s stiff length. It was taking him a few moments to work up his courage.   He inched his face closer to Kyuhyun’s crotch and caught a whiff of a familiar scent. The gears turned quickly in his brain and he grinned when he remembered that he and Kyuhyun had discovered (as trainees on a shopping excursion) that they used the same brand of body wash.

Jinki figured there was no point in stalling and brought his lips to the head of Kyuhyun’s cock, trying to remember exactly what Kyuhyun had done to make him come undone. Technique didn’t seem to matter too much because Kyuhyun moaned in pleasure the instant his cock was surrounded by Jinki’s willing mouth.

Jinki tried sucking up and down the length a few times, but found it difficult to match the rhythm of Kyuhyun’s hips. He settled for sealing his lips around the rock hard erection and bobbing up and down, occasionally twirling his tongue around the head. Kyuhyun’s steady mantra of “Oh gawd…yes…oh gawd…yes,” was all the encouragement he needed.

Kyuhyun picked up the pace, and Jinki dared to take him in a little deeper, letting him hit the back of his throat. “Don’t stop…don’t stop,” Kyuhyun begged, his voice a breathy hiss.

Kyuhyun’s hands flew into Jinki’s hair and he began to convulse. Moments later Jinki had to decide whether to spit or swallow. Out of a sense of camaraderie and tidiness, he chose the latter.

Kyuhyun hitched up his pants as he sank down to the floor beside Jinki, a blissed-out look on his face. He fished around in his pocket, and then tossed Jinki a pack of gum.

Jinki smirked and popped a piece in his mouth.

“Wow,” Kyuhyun sighed. “That was…thanks,” he added with a sleepy grin. “C’mere,” he gestured.

Jinki scooted over next to Kyuhyun and snuggled into his side. Kyuhyun lazily stroked Jinki’s hair.

Hyukjae popped his head through the door. “So…I take it we’re done for tonight?”

“Mission accomplished,” Kyuhyun managed to groan.

Jinki snorted. “You guys set me up,” he pretended to complain.

“It was for your own good, kiddo,” Hyukjae said with a fond look.


Kyuhyun sat in the corner of the practice studio and watched Hyukjae and Jinki dancing to SHINee’s upcoming title track. The younger man angled his shoulders, tilted his head, and thrust his hips with enough swagger to make Hyukjae proud.

When the song was over, Hyukjae killed the music and patted Jinki on the shoulder. “You’ve got it, kiddo,” Hyukjae praised him. “Great work.”

“Sunbae,” Jinki responded formally, “thank you for teaching me.” Jinki bowed deeply before launching himself at Hyukjae for a sweaty hug.

Jinki and Hyukjae beamed with pride, but Kyuhyun scowled.

“What’s up your butt,” Hyukjae teased, kicking the taller man’s foot.

“Hyung?” Jinki called out, his voice tinged with concern.

Kyuhyun rose from the floor and sauntered closer to his young lover. “Whatever we’ve unleashed,” he began, stroking Jinki’s cheek tenderly, “I’m not sure I want to share it with anyone,” he finished, eating Jinki with his gaze.

Hyukjae rolled his eyes, threw his arms over his head and stalked out of the room. “Pabo!” he called over his shoulder.

Kyuhyun captured Jinki’s lips in a deep kiss that left the exhausted young man’s knees wobbly.

“Maybe you could tone it down for performances,” Kyuhyun suggested.

“Possessive much?” Jinki responded with a cheeky grin.

“Seriously, aegi,” Kyuhyun gently pleaded with his eyes, “could you? Would you take it down a notch?”

“You want me to take it down?” Jinki teased, tugging on Kyuhyun’s pants. “Whatever you say, hyung.”


Thank you to my flist for sticking with me while I stewed with this fic, especially min7girl and addicterated for their help musing on Dubulge, and haiiro_ai for the inspirational gifs, some of which appear in the pic spam.

kyuhyun, eunhyuk, author: mimi_oly, !fanfic, rating: nc-17, onew

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