So, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I have come to a decision.
I'm switching accounts.
So if you'd still like fic updates from me (which I hope you do!), then you should add
volti_subito to your friends list.
Nothing bad happened or anything! And I'm not leaving the fic scene for good! The story is pretty silly but also pretty simple: When I
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Hopefully I'll be getting a job at a bookstore though, so that might help quite a bit.
Besides, this will give me something to do at a time when I really am all kinds of bored XD
How have you been doing :)?
i've been doing wonderful, hanging out with friends and cat and writing, just generally having a good time ^^
That's so good to hear :D! Ahhh, I wish I had a cat~ is yours really clingy or pretty independent :o?
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