Feb 11, 2006 11:29
Okay...this is me fangirling again. Anyone against Akame don't read on anyone for them...sit down relax and better get something to scream into.
Yesterday I read on a blog that Jin had mentioned he has a silver ring that symbolizes his Kizuna with a certain person and that the commitment those two made with those rings, he'll always keep onto and that this commitment is very very important to him and I was wondering if he's talking about marriage or anything.... A few lines underneath, he said "whenever he!!!! is around I feel at ease!" He really said "he" not person or something it's a he.
Today I got the scans from that mag (TV guide btw) and you not what he said...
The interviewer asked: Would you ever confess you love to a male friend?
His anwer: A male friend becoming my lover?! Oh that has happened already!!!!
*off to screaming and fangirling*
The best part: The japanese hotel I am working in... all girls there are Akame supporters *grin* and yesterday they suddenly had purikuras of Akame and I was like "Eh, what's that?" and they said: "well..since Jin more or less fnally confessed openly, we want to show our supprt!"......*lol*