Nov 23, 2005 17:58
So last night I went to see Sarah Slean in concert at horowitz hall and she is by far the most AMAZING singer I have ever heard, I have never heard power or emotion like that from anyone I have seen live...I haven't seen many performances live and no one can compare to her. Plus she was sick! She as still amazing. Her hard work and vocal lessons show in her performances. It was just her an a piano. She played all her own music and had no band with her. That is a true performer. She was funny too and talked with the audience. The other guy who was playing with her as well was really good. Really funny kept talking to the audience as well and telling us stories...he messed up his song and was like "shit....I forgot the words" and everyone laughed and he also had just written a song and had to have the lyrics with him. He seemed so down to earth. I can't remember his name....Chad something or other. Anyways, I have places to be tonight and things to do.