The mystery of the brain...

Mar 22, 2006 12:25 a thing at which to marvel.

Did you notice my effort to not end a sentence a preposition with?

Anywayz, I had a weird little dream last night that's prompted a little bit of thought today, or at least a random chuckle. In a nutshell, someone that I really never would have expected from my LARPing past told me that they'd loved me and still did.

I don't remember too much of my reaction, nor is there any torrid detailing to be told that really nobody wants to read but it still left me feeling kinda warm and fuzzy today.

It's interesting to me how influenced my general mood can be simply based on the last dream I remember the night before. I hope I'm not alone there.

I'm also glad that I didn't have some weepy "I'm so lonely" reaction. It just sort of reinforced my "there's someone for everyone...even ME," attitude. I'm willing to wait. I do have to add that I'm very often concerned about my own general openness in an "issues with intimacy" sense. Well...sometimes there's only one way to find out! (Not that I'm going to give them a quick "I love you, too," call).
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