Ah, Butternoodleween is Upon Us Again

Oct 29, 2005 15:35

I suppose I can stand to post a real update as well.

Thursday was a pretty fun day, considering all I had to do for it. My sword fighting presentation for Shakespeare went off without a hitch and the professor loved it, confirming my suspicions that going first for these kinds of things always pays off. Later, Japanese was fairly good and then the sf midterm, which wasn't as bad as I had thought. My essay was more than a little tiring though, due to the fact that I had to search all througout Dune's 500 pages for the correct quotes I wanted to support my arguement.

Matt and I grabbed some dinner (which was delicious) and then I headed to the m all with Anna and Steph to pick up my Mom's birthday gift and some odds and ends. It was a pretty fun time, except I didn't let myself enter any video game/book/music store while there. I might've bought something I couldn't afford. Anna and I spent the last half hour scouring the mall for Steph, who had gone to get her hair done while we shopped, and in spite of Anna's panic attacks, it all ended fine. When we got back, we all got set to go out, but there was nothing to be found and we ended up back at the towers watching Lexx. I was falling asleep downstairs, so I headed up to bed, only to putz around on the internet for another hour.

Just as I was climbing into bed though, the fire alarm goes off, and I only have time to pull on shoes before we have to climb down 14 floors to the ground, and then stand in front of the towers for half an hour. Anna and I met up with AJ and later Matt and Dave, while only clad in sweatpants and t-shirts. Once I'd protected my precious inner elbows, however, I wasn't as cold. Since we waited outside instead of in the Commons, Dave and Anna joined me in line for the elevator, since there weren't too many people there. Some girl who lives on the fourth floor was bitching about how her ankle hurt, but it was hard to feel bad for her cuz she was kind of a bitch.

Anyway, back in the room I collapsed into bed and fell asleep.

Around 2 yesterday I woke up and began reading Gateway for sf, which is a pretty good read. Then I decided to shower and dress so that I could go with the guys to Main Street for Halloween costumes. I decided to be a pirate and they settled on going as The Misfits. We stopped in Peace of Pizza for some early dinner, where Matt made a show of the fact he stole my ID card while I was getting money out of the ATM. Only AJ and I ate, because Dave and Matt realized how late it was and that they were going to dinner on the way back. We killed some time in the nerd store, where Dave and I did a Chutulu mad lib, Matt debated whether to buy the Wheel of Time rpg, and AJ kept getting accosted by the guy who worked there and wants us to join in on a game they're running next Saturday.

Speaking of D&D, as the DM for our next campaign (which I'm thrilled we're doing because I'd be pissed if I brought my shiny virgin dice to school for nothing) I need to flesh out my adventure a bit more. I'm being a real go-getter here by coming up with everything myself, including a world map, the background for the world, and how the characters meet, etc. I'd put it up here, but Matt can read my journal. Just know I'm enjoying myself immensely. And also that I'm a much more involved DM that Matt was. Though I can't blame him really. He wanted to play, not run, the game and figured if he did a crappy job no one would make him do it again. Someday, we'll find someone else to DM for us, but until then, we're going to do rotations. Though it's going to be a bitch getting Jonsey to hold up his end of the deal.

So, the rest of Saturday. I hung out with the guys for awhile, read some more Gateway, and saw Anna and Steph off to their party at Brody's. We tried to go out, but again, there wasn't anything to see, so we came back to relax some more. I got loaded down in D&D books to create the campagin, but not before a tiresome game of 20 Questions with AJ. Then we came up to our room and watched City of God, which was really confusing...at least it was for me, since I was reading The Book of Vile Darkness for the first hour or so. We hung out some more, and then crawled into bed and read Gateway until almost 6am. I did finish though, so now Matt can take it and read it. It'll go by fast I'm sure because it's a really good book. I'm considering keeping it instead of selling it back at the end of the year.

So that brings us to today. I haven't really done anything exciting today (at least not yet) but I'm going grocery shopping in a little bit while the guys are at Cigar(ette) City. I really need to go shower right now because I'm dirty and need to get dressed before we go. I'm excited to dress up and go out tonight, and I love Halloween. It's one of the few bright points of this God forsaken season. Happily, however, I think I'm through the worst of it, and I can really relax after the second week of November, which will put me past the date I got that email about stopping all my illegal downloading.

I'm so superstitious.

recent events, halloween

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