Jun 03, 2012 12:56
So the UD alumni Mug Night thing was a lot of fun. Saw Eddie, Katie, Roomie, Rich, Karen, and some other people. Harassed Anna as she was working. Filled my mug 5x with beer, 1 time with wine. Ate a ton of free food. Went to Grotto's both before and after. Weather was superb.
Spending today detoxing. Ugh.
Chels is coming down to visit in three weeks! This is extremely exciting.
Nene's birthday is tomorrow. Will have to send her messages.
I was reading an infographic yesterday about debunking stereotypes of gamers and though it wasn't intentional, the whole thing gave off a sort of "we're superior and you don't even know" sort of vibe. Basically, it said that 17% of gamers go dancing and some percentage create "art" (the artistic value of which is never discussed) or play instruments in their spare time, etc. Which means that the pool of gamers has widened, and the people who were doing all of that good, artistic, socially well-adjusted stuff have started to play games, not that games have improved their players. (I feel the need to state this, because humans aren't good with statistics.)
The one thing that caught my eye though, was that most gamers aren't socially awkward weirdos because they have "three or more close friends." What? Jesus, I have several times that number of friends I consider close. As in, I'm comfortable telling them personal things about me, and I could rely on them in a crisis (and vice versa, as friendship is a two-way street). If you expand to just regular friends that you hang out with and have fun with, then that number shoots way up.
Really, most people just have a handful of friends? God, that's so depressing. And at the same time, makes me feel downright fucking popular.
video games,