Yeah, it's gonna be THAT kind of post.
- So at work we're going to have another potluck because apparently one of my coworkers is not happy unless she's planning some sort of gathering or gift giving fiasco. This sounds noble and generous, but I think it has less to do with making people feel better and more to do with her wanting to be in control of something. She sent out an email about to everyone and when they started responding to it she snapped at them that we won't be able to do the party if it interferes with work. Well then why did you send out the damn email? Or, why did you copy the bosses on it? Also, every single thing she sends is just dripping with smug condescension, even if that wasn't her original intent. "Oh no, we CAN'T have you wife make brownies, because this one person doesn't like icing. Clearly no one else should be able to enjoy something that one person doesn't."
- On a similar subject, she hypocritically kept annoying me all morning while I'm trying to get work done to ask what we should call the potluck. Personally, I think that's the most superfluous and easily ignored part of the whole damn experience, but she apparently disagrees. Then she says we can't call it a Halloween party, because one of the other people in the department doesn't "do" Halloween and would prefer not to be involved in a Halloween party. WHAT? The last time I checked, Halloween isn't a religious holiday, and her children won't be here, and we're not doing anything scary or even vaguely's just a damn name we can slap on so we don't have to approach the supervisor and say "this is our Because-we-want-to-fuck-you Potluck." You're serious that fucking self-absorbed and easily offended that you can't attend a damn luncheon associated only by name?
- Finally, I don't want to spend money on this stupid shit.
- On to other topics: I'm annoyed that Temple keeps laboring under the assumption that I have nothing to do all day but go to class, do homework, and sit around waiting for them to schedule activities for me. I. HAVE. A. FULL. TIME. JOB. You cannot tell me to come to a mandatory meeting at 9am some random Thursday two days ahead of time. Jesus.
- Fucking Youtube being overrun with people singing English versions of anime themes. Your voice is not pleasant to listen to, please stop.
- Jesse's applying for JET since he graduates this year, and Sensei was talking about how stiff the competition this is. I was remembering what Leslie said about the dart board method she thinks they really use, and for some reason I was annoyed by the gushing about it. There are plenty of assholes who don't give a shit about the kids they're teaching there under the JET banner, some of them even worse than otaku since they're there for poon. But that's a constant seething hate for white men and otaku; what was really annoying is that Jesse feels like he HAS to use JET, since there's really no other way of being able to emigrate to Japan. It's basically English teacher or nothing, and it's doubly frustrating to me since I want to live in Tokyo (which many people bitch is too large or too busy or too confusing or not suited to their snobby otaku-hipster tastes) and there's virtually no chance of that. Stupid ass America gives away a bunch of green cards every year in a damn lottery with select countries (Yoshi recently got a callback about an application she put in in high school), and we're not even panicking about a falling birth rate.
Though, point taken, we are considerably less xenophobic, as ironic as that sounds to anyone who's never traveled outside the US or grew up in the South.
There was something else I wanted to bitch about but I can't remember what it was.
As a closing note, have a video of a Hong Kong news channel, where my friend Connie is a TV reporter!
Click to view
Click to view
It's so weird seeing someone you know, who you lived with and had class with and obsessed over cheese with on tv. I'm so proud of you, Yellow-Purple-Happy.