So far it seems that the last of the Butternoodleweens is progressing in a rather favorable manner.
On Friday after a trip to the mall I went over to Leslie's to watch Planet Terror and Death Proof with her, Beth, Matt, Cassie, and a 24 pack of Rolling Rock. We had high times.
Saturday I got up and hit up the Five 'n Dime to get some stuff for costume #1, and had a quick collegeweb meeting. Following that I went to see the Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, which was really fun...I haven't seen the actual movie in forever. Unlike other childhood classics, it still seems like it has good pacing. Anyway, it we me, Leslie, her sister Elise (the "emote"), adorable Justin and his two friends (one of which was a nihonjin). Once we left there Dave picked me up and we headed to Chastity's, where we met her and Chip and started getting ready to go out. Which also included beer pong and flip cup. Dave was a redneck, Chastity was Little Dead Riding Hood, Chip was dick in the box, Matt was guy in hat and cape, and I was a kamikaze. We visited two parties on Cleveland where we started our buzz before heading over to the third and final one on Park Place. Anna as Wednesday Adams and Lauren as a doll also made appearances. The third party had candy and kegstands, which soon meant there was no beer left. We returned to good old Courtyards for some Pizza U delights (courtesy of Greg of course) and then all passed out.
I woke up this morning after an awful night of sleep on the futon and walked back to the Towers of Terror, where I basically dicked around all day. After dinner with Anna, I met up with Dave and we once again hit up University Gardens L3 to assemble as KISS. Why? Cause we were going to America's Number 1 rated Halloween attraction: Field of Screams up in Bucks County. The ride up was pretty scary in and of itself since we forgot about Chastity's driving and I'm the only one who apparently grew up learning to drive on windy, twisty roads. Once we finally made it there we got on the hayride and the haunted house. The wait for the hayride was ridiculous, but we persevered somehow through the mud and got on it.
The ride was really well thought out, with a bunch of different themed places like the Deliverance farm, the Psycho Circus, and the Applegate Mental Hospital. The latter had a neat trick where they made you think the fence would fall on you. In the toxic waste dump we ran into our buddy of the night; some guy who worked there climbed onto the side of the truck, saw us all painted up, and started bowing and telling us how much he loves KISS. He reluctantly let go like a minute later. We also got a lot of other thumbs up throughout the night.
Jess's Halloween Tip #37: If you don't want to be scared by the people working in the haunted attractions, dress as KISS.
Once we disembarked from the tractor and made it through the spinny tunnel of vertigo, it was time for the aptly named Den of Darkness. It was a deceptively small house converted into a haunted one, with about fifty different themed rooms packed into it. We ran into our best friend again on the way in, who got yelled at for discussing his $400 leather jacket with us instead of scaring small children. If I hadn't been so concerned about falling down and breaking something, I would've really loved to have examined all the neat shit they put in the rooms. However, the Den of Darkness has long stretches of uneven floor and stairs and rope bridges where it's completely pitch black and you have to feel your way through (there were also a bunch of places where you had to duck and crawl, but those weren't an issue for me). Fucking treacherous if you ask me.
By the time the guys with the chainsaws were done trying to rape Chastity's ass it was too late to go through the asylum maze, so I was robbed by the creepy ATM so that KISS could go to Sonic. Sadly, Sonic is not a 24 hour establishment, so we had to wait till we got all the way back to Newark to get McDonald's. It wasn't the same. On the drive home we ran into an inordinate amount of Amish buggys, reminding me of why I don't go to Lancaster all that often.
All in all it was an awesome weekend, but now I have to wash off my face paint and do my Japanese homework.
EDIT: Pictures!