★If you join, please say Jinniex3 referred you!★ Username: Jinniex3
Joined: 08 May, 2010
Status: Active ;; Online
Rank: Prokaryotes
Card count: 39 ☆ Card worth: 39
Currently Collecting: Aequorea victoria (Crystal Jellyfish)
Total: 39
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Crystal Jellyfish (4/15)
Trading (18 worth 18)
Might Trade (7 worth 7)
will only trade for Collecting or Future Collections
Future Collections (10 worth 10)
will only trade for Collecting
Special (1 worth 0)
(newest to oldest)
☆11 May, 2010:
Update [10 May]: annahummingbird01, btprairiedogs10, finnishspitz04, llama05, monarchbutterfly14, pug01
My Nut: 10, 20, europeanham14, greatwhshark10
Eat the Trash: muteswan08, seaotter12, tortoiseshell10
★10 May, 2010: Added as "Prokaryotes".
How Old Am I?: 01, 01, fresian09, eurofirebelly05
Mate Finder: 01, 01, 9bandarmadillo15, manedwolf10
Memory: plainszebra13, whitetiger10
Puzzle: giraffeweevil15, arabianhorse05
Pick A Cat: arcticwolf06, blackwolf12
Native Tongue: 05, rottweiler14, seaotter02, tiger01
Who's Skin: roughcollie06, kakapo02, greatdane05, spottedhyena02, longspinefish12
Family Tree: blackandgreen12, shortbechidna09
trade: whitetiger10 to Mary for crystaljelly10
☆08 May, 2010: Joined Evolution.
Starter pack; crystaljelly07, crystaljelly08, crystaljelly15, pembrokewelsh09, koala11, ostrich02, whitetaildeer04, whitetaildeer14