sinus battle: fight!

Jan 26, 2016 16:24

I've had sinus stuff since at least the beginning of December. Two rounds of antibiotics, ups and downs (a norovirus is actually great for clearing your nasal passages), but still a problem. I'm on the verge of getting an ENT consult, but I realize that what with feeling terrible most of the time I haven't actually managed to do all of the palliative/slow-healing recommendations at the same time, and that that might be important.

I now have a 13-item checklist of what to do daily. I'll try this for a week and then get the probably useless referral. (Lots of stress and worry in having recurrent sinus ick for me; this is why I had to leave undergrad the first time and I'm very scared of it now.)

  • Real Sudafed in the morning
  • Humidifier whenever at home
  • Tea AM
  • Saline nose spray AM
  • Tea/soup at lunch
  • Saline nose spray at lunch
  • Tea/soup at dinner
  • Saline nose spray evening
  • Hot bath, preferably with aromatics, keep throat submerged as much as possible
  • Energetic coughing and removing tonsil ick in shower
  • Neti pot in shower
  • Flonase after the saline drains out and before bed
  • Nyquil

Shooting for 90% at least. Wish me luck.

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