Note to self: next time your morning yogurt smells like aged cheese, a known migraine trigger, do not deliberate and taste it carefully and then decide to eat it anyway, because MIGRAINE. It didn't come on quickly (not like the best of aged cheeses, Humboldt Fog) and there are no visuals, but I've been off kilter and miserably headachy much of the day.
This has led to listening to a lot of the Savage Lovecast, because it's hard to read when my head's in this state -- it's also hard to type this, actually, but I have nothing else to do while my sweet potato cooks than concentrate on typing and hit backspace a lot anyway. And I've come to the conclusion that Dan Savage actually edits himself into the jerk he comes off as in his columns. Talking off the cuff, interacting directly with callers, he has a lot of empathy and perception. Granted my mind is clouded right now, but I'm happy that our hometown Hey Faggot is kind of a cool person now. He's definitely grown up over the years. (One still has to tune out some ableist language, but it's a LOT better.) I don't always agree with him, but if I ever saw him around town now I'd say hi.
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