Work continues intense and not very successful. 12-hour day yesterday, going in again today for hopefully not too long. Here are some good things, though.
Amazing snack: basically homemade Pocky? Like a 6 inch x 1cm stick of hard cookie-bread, which seemed to have cocoa in it. Then it had been dipped twice, first in a white substance and then in a delicious purplish-red raspberry-flavored substance.
Russian researcher in another lab telling funny stories about the birth of his daughter two weeks ago. Also he told us her age would be two weeks in an hour and a half, which I think is the funniest elapsed-time specificity I've heard yet.
I got to proofread something for someone I like! Very hard to explain why English does certain things, but I like that, too.
The lab I'm working in at the moment uses methyl salicylate in their experiments, so it smells charmingly (once I found out it was normal) of wintergreen at irregular intervals.
All cultures surveyed thus far (me, Japan, Russia) have an equivalent expression to "third time's the charm."
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