Yes on Prop 8. Rant

Nov 07, 2008 00:39

For those of you who dont know it yet, the state of California by 3% majority voted against same-sex marriages... You can agree or disagree, that's YOUR right! but what about the rights of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people affected by this; not just those who are and want to be married, but the children they wanted to adopt, to help. their families who now have to live in fear that THEIR child, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousin, BROTHER, SISTER!!! may want to end their life because their basic rights are being taken away from them?

It's not right to go around preaching equality in this country just because we will be having our first black president and think that that justifies and lives up to what the promise of America is! It is equality for ALL! EVERYBODY!!! Barack Obama's win in 2008 is one step closer to that goal but YOU must realize just how hypocritical you are to vote for change when you really want everything to stay the same...

I couldnt vote this year because i'm only a resident, not a citizen of the USA and though i am happy about the break-through that America has gone under, i am absolutely appauled that they are still being blind sided about the homo-sexual lifestyle because they are afraid!!!

I'm going to stop now before i break-down into another weeping mess and do what i intentionally came here to do... and that's to give you; to show you the type of effect that this is having on other, yes other, homosexuals. i have recently realised that i am bisexual, and my very best friend was terrified to tell me that he is gay because as many of you know, I am from the Caribbean and he still lives there. Homosexuality isnt as, for lack of better word, tolerated as it is OR USED TO BE in America. My family thinks i'm going through a phase and other friends joke about it. He is my only confidant and now that something like banning same-sex marriages can happen in "The Land of the Free", what will happen now? in the other countries that look to the USA for guidance? for the road to freedom?

apparently its ok to kill unborn children before they are even given the chance, ie abortion, but to get same sex marriage is an abomination.. BULLSHIT
Video:Dear Yes on 8 Supporters
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