
May 16, 2005 14:01

So I can't complain about this in my other site because people actually read it. So I have to complain about here... :-)

So there are these girls on the trip with me, and I really like them a lot. They are very cool, and just sweet girls. However, they decided, or maybe one has decided to make it her mission to convert me into a christian. I had already told them that I am a buddhist, they have seen my necklace. however, they made me promise to atleast go with once to church. If i make a promise, I tend to keep my promises. So stupid me, i promised that I would go to church one time with them.

So Sunday rolled around after 7 weeks of being here in London. They called me out on not going to church, so I went to church with them. It was an interesting idea, they had church in the Dominion Theatre which is a huge theatre. I mean, i have to say that if the church can buy out a theatre for the full day... it really makes me wonder about the church. Where is the money going???

however, I didn't want to be disrespectful. I sat through the whole cermony, I listened, I read the bible. I opted out of the whole raising my hands and singing and everything else. I mean, it wasn't like I was going to try and scream out what is wrong with you people. I mean, they believe in jesus. Who am I to say anything to that? *shrug* what ever floats your boat I say. However, if i can be respectful enough and understand that you love jesus and that you were born to serve jesus and blah blah blah. Why can't you be respectful in the fact that I just don't see things the same way that you do? I mean, I was polite, and smiled and acted like i was interested. However, my friend goes, so you are coming next week right? there is going to be a speaker and then she ran around telling everyone that i will be coming to church next week. I also found out, that they had invited me to a pub last friday, and it turns out that it was a church thing WHICH they didn't tell me. I just don't like how all the slyness is coming around. If they were upfront with me, I would be down about it. They flat out said that they arent' trying to convert me. But i think that is all bullshit.

oh, and another sign that budda is mad at me. My budda necklace broke...DAMN YOU. So no more church...argh!

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