Jun 22, 2007 04:00
So Texas is... kinda boring. A lot like living in Savannah was two years ago. Similar circumstances what with having no car to go anywhere, except now since my little auto incidents my mom doesn't trust me driving her car either. Which makes things difficult when she and stepdad are both saying daily that I need a job. Uh, I agree, but how the fuck am I supposed to get there? Stepdad works about ten to twelve hours a day, and mom just picked up a new job herself, so it's not like they're gonna be available hardly ever to drive me. And there's nothing within walking distance. We live waaaay out in the suburbs.
Having my cats back is nice... I forgot just how damned neurotic they were, but still, nice.
The school I'm looking at: University of North Texas. However, I'm looking at it from a distance, cuz in the past month they haven't taken me out there to see it even once. Deadlines are coming due, and my folks are strictly insistent that I'll have to pay for it all myself. I understand that, but how am I supposed to come up with this money? Mom keeps telling me I should go to this little community college first to get my weed-out credits, not listening to me when I tell her I've already GOT the majority of those from MTSU. Plus, I really don't want to have to spread the rest of my bachelor's degree out over two schools, I'd way rather just get settled into one and not have to be the creepy old freshman not once but twice.
It's hot, and there are devil birds called "grackels" that make incredibly loud sounds like a rusty hinge.