(no subject)

Aug 27, 2010 21:58

Holy shit. Had a slight 'complication' at the dentist this afternoon having a wisdom tooth pulled. In short, one of the roots was curved the opposite direction. In the words of the dentist who pulled it out and said as he looked at it, "Wow. Unique. That's one for the text books." He subsequently explained my jaw bone around the tooth had 'split' or 'fractured', then tilted his head and asked (and I really should have caught on at this point) "What kind of pain meds have you found work for you?"

I went home and since my face was numb I decided to wait until it wore off to see if I would need any of the Hyrdocodone he prescribed me (I had taken 5mg before and that did the job for me, but this was 7.5mg) .

Oh......my....god.... did I need it.

I fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up to the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, hands down. The entire right side of my head localized at my jaw bone felt like a pain I didn't know existed. I staggered to the table to grab a 7.5mg hydrocodone, downed it and collapsed on the floor, writhing in absolute pure pain. I couldn't help but recognize this was the stuff of death bed conversions... nothing rational about it. You'll agree to anything to be done with this kind of pain. I was praying to whatever gods or goddesses were out there for that pill to work. I thought, however, nothing could alleviate this pain short of a direct morphine drip. Well, I am happy to report that within 30 minutes, the pain reduced to very manageable levels. But I am going to have to set an alarm tonight to wake me up in the middle of the night well BEFORE the last dose wears off to take another one, so I don't wake up in that pain again.
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