May 16, 2005 22:12
I highly recomend everyone pick up a copy of 1984 and reread it, or for the first time read it. Don't look at it and think "Wow thats a fucked up world, good thing it can never happen." Because that isn't the point. The point is the small things that when you pay attention to the attitudes, the forces behind, and such as that you will see it is strikingly similar to where our world is going. Or where it is.
You can't order cigarettes with a credit card anymore, and if you get them via eft be careful, you might get a tax bill at the end of the year from your state for all the cigarette taxes. This is a trend, if the popular opinion is that something isn't good the government will attack it and violate the rights of those who disagree. They attack and harass car owners, gun owners, and anyone who might make personal choices that are different from the ideal currently created in our society.
I think it is time to fight for our personal freedoms and the opressions of unreasonable taxes and fees. Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness was never amended with "As long as you want what we do" but somehow thats what happened. I am almost motivated to get off my ass and start getting into the cogs of government and being active.
So put out your cigarettes, put on a helmet, get in your underpowered vehicle and put on your seatbelt, pay out your ass in taxes and carry on with your safe little existance.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --- Benjamin Franklin