It's summer and there are no jobs for kids that are in their summer break between semesters. So what do you do with your kid?
Stretch her.
Although it sounds a little like medieval torture, we have high hopes that this will get Liz back to her happy self: How does IDD Therapy work?
IDD Therapy can isolate each lumbar vertebra (L1, L2, L3, L4 or L5) and distract the vertebrae surrounding an injured disc 5 to 7 millimeters. The 25 to 30 minute treatment provides static, intermittent, and cycling forces on structures that may be causing low back pain.
Negative pressure promotes the diffusion of water, oxygen, and nutrients into the vertebral disc area, thereby re-hydrating the degenerated disc. Repeated pressure differential promotes retraction of a herniated nucleus pulposus (the elastic core of the intervertebral disc).
The IDD Therapy treatment can
reduce pressure on the vertebral joints,
promote retraction of herniated discs,
promote self healing and rehabilitation of damaged discs,
thereby relieving low back pain.
Several sessions are required to achieve optimal results.
She'll have treatment every weekday for the next four weeks. She'll be pretty sore for the first two due to the fact that they need to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the vertebrae. I am hoping she won't go stir crazy, but the best position for her to sit in? Playing on the computer! Woot! She'll probably have to forego Nocturne for a few weeks, but in the long run, I think her dancing days are going to be back and with much less pain than she's had in the last two years!