Jan 02, 2011 14:49
Since there aren't many people still reading LJ, it seems as good a place as any to put my own thoughts down and store poetry. So to start, I need to list my goals for 2011.
1) Druidry had it's place when I was originally introduced to alternate ways of thinking back in 2005. But after 5 years of being active in the OBOD, it is time to let go. While I appreciate celebrating the seasons, I can do that in a heathen context. I won't burn any bridges, but my active role must come to an end. The first step, which I finished this morning, was to announce the dissolution of our seed group. What a weight off my shoulders! The rest will follow naturally as I just let it all slide away and purge my FB friends list of people that I only know as people I've met through the Order and really don't care if I keep in contact with.
2) Crocheting! OK, put down the iPod and get to work:
a) Bunches of babies... Finish the baby blanket I'm working on, and make stuff for several other babies who are on the way. Maybe not all blankets, but stuff.
b) Make something for the ECT auction... Already have something in mind, it just needs to materialize.
c) Learn to spin... Got a drop spindle and some Alpaca wool for Yule, but this is going to take some serious practice and time.
3) School - finish my ASMET (Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology) and audit Calculus 1 so I can get to the BSET at Temple in 2012. Chemistry next semester is for the BS, and Physics 2 finishes up the AS in the fall.
4) Work - survive.
5) House - First do no harm. We got the place pretty well cleaned up for the gathering last week. Need to keep it this way, and then second, make progress, one room at a time. I'd also like to get the basement finished, which entails finishing up the back of the bar and adding the baseboards.
6) Money - try to end the year with more than $200 in the savings account, and a little less outstanding debt. Say "no" more to things I want but can live without.
7) Health and Fitness
a) End 2011 at the same weight or a little less than what I started (not including the holiday weight).
b) Go kayaking at least once a month in the summer months when I'm not in school.
c) Hawk Mountain once a month during migration season, and a couple of times in the spring.
d) Hike Shades of Death when the rhododendrons are blooming.
e) Make the appointments I need for new braces, wheelchair and neurosurgeon and make the appropriate decisions about my back.
OK, I think that's enough... Achievable and Measurable. That's what it's about.