Jinglebellselu's Second Christmas!

Aug 18, 2017 18:41

Introduction post:

We’re back! Welcome to jinglebellselu’s second christmas.

General Information:

Jinglebellselu is a prompt-based fic community which means the authors (participants) are given a list of prompts compiled by the mods.

Although it's a prompt-based fic fest we decided to open a two days of a self-promoting period to those who want to write their own submitted prompt.

For Beta Readers, Before deciding to sign up please make sure that you're committed in handling one fanfic. If you think you can't finish editing before the allotted time please let the mods know ahead of time. Mods will also check the beta readers from time to time.

We will be using Korean Standard Time (GMT +9) in this event.


Fanfic must be related to CHRISTMAS or WINTER SEASON and must focus on Sehun and Luhan, side pairings are optional depending on the prompter or the writer.

For prompting period, we will give you list of things related to Christmas or winter season to help you with your prompt. Anyone can send more than 1 prompt if they like.

Prompting will be done anonymously via moderated comment, or by ask.fm for those who aren't used to livejournal. We wanted to make sure that everyone's prompts will be heard!

Claiming of prompts every writer must choose 3 prompts (just in case his/her first pick is already taken). Writers can also pick 2 prompts at the same time just make sure to let the mods know.

Also, claiming of prompts goes the entire period of Jingbellselu, if a writer joins later for whatever their reason is, the writer must be willing to commit.

We will send you your email confirmation within 24 hours (or less), you can start working on your fic once you received our email.

Fanfic must have a Minimum of 1000 word count in total. At the first check in writers must have at least 800 word counts at the least.

All fics must be sent as an attachment, please make sure they are already complete with the given livejournal HTML codings.

If English is not your first language and you need beta, kindly tell the mods ahead of time so we can help you look for betas.

Make sure to include proper warnings in your submission.

DON'T post your stories to your other sites until after reveal post, and please don’t tell anyone else about your fic. (unless you trust that they won’t tell any other soul)

If possible please leave encouraging words for all the writers (they will greatly appreciate it!)


Prompting: August 21
Prompting ends: September 9
Prompt release: September 11
Prompt Claiming: September 12- October 2
First check in: October 24- October 28
Second check in: November 16 - November 21
Final submission: December 12
Posting: TBA
Guess who: TBA
Reveals: TBA

If you have more questions you can send use email @ jinglebellselu[@]gmail.com or DM us on Twitter @jinglebellselu

!2ndchristmas, !mod

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