Head bump follow-up

Jul 18, 2007 12:09

I slept ok for a few hours last night but then woke up with a headache at 6:00. I think it's because I took Tylenol which is probably too weak. At 6:00 I took a Motrin and was able to sleep until recently, and now the pain is not discernible, but there is still the pressure which never goes away completely.

I spoke to my Internist again and he is having me get an MRI of my head and neck. He will fax the MRI request to the hospital and try to get an appointment for today or tomorrow.

The good news is that my Internist looked at my CT scan at the hospital and found nothing bad. The MRI will give a clearer picture. I've never had one done in the past.

I am encouraged that this is moving along. Here we are six days after the accident and there is still some pain and always there is pressure. At least I know that Motrin is the right medication to use, not Tylenol. It is also good news that I have had no other symptoms, no dizziness, no nausea, no change in the size of my pupils, nothing that could suggest bleeding. At this point it seems that I may have done some damage to my sinuses or to the musculoskeletal system of my head and neck, but there is no fracture because the CT scan did not reveal any. I will see the ENT doctor tomorrow anyway, and I'll bring him a copy of my CT scan.

This is taking such a long time to address. On the other hand I wasted no time in going to the hospital and getting a CT scan last Saturday. I saw my Internist on Monday and I am seeing an Ear Nose and Throat specialist tomorrow. And maybe soon I will have an MRI. I have not ignored my symptoms, and I have sought out the appropriate medical attention.
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