Oct 25, 2009 23:43

oh hay guys, haven't been on ages
and I feel pretty bad that I hardly /ever/ comment on anyones journals anymore, been so incredibly ridiculously busy, most of it I blame for the job I've been working at for about 3 months now (for those I haven't told, it's a small video game production company)

Anyways ugh I feel pretty blah these days, and this may seem a little emo but I every day I find it harder and harder to look myself in the mirror. I'm about 20-30 pounds overweight for my age and height and I just don't know what to do anymore. I used to go to a gym just about everyday before I got a job now I just don't have the time. With the winter rolling through I don't know the best excursuses to do because I know cardio is a good way to loose weight by walking/ running.
So if you guys have some exercise, meal choices etc to loose weight It would be really appreciative. I just know I don't want to get bigger and then go downhill to being a huge blob.

er hmm ugh more thoughts that haunt me: I can't help but feel sometimes I'm constantly being compared to my sister, she's thinner and her face is longer and she just overall carries herself much better. I just want to be me, FFFGDSDSRF

BLAHBLAHBLAH I don't really want a pat on the back here, I just need some advice. I can't talk about it with my mom and Renee just tells me to stfu (jokingly and lovingly ofc xDD orz)
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