kinda finished?

Apr 28, 2009 02:59

Ok before anything, sorry for slow responses in my last entry! UGH
anyway I (for the most part) have finished my webpage!
(leave a comment on my guestbook!)

I'd really appreciate some feedback, right now I'm working on the title paragraph and my about me page. My gallery feels a little empty but IDK I'm really dissatisfied with a lot of my work. My about me paragraph seems so cheesy but it's the kind of paragraph my teacher is looking for. Any suggestions on sprucing that pathetic blurb? lol
Anyway, CCAD has a career fair coming this Wednesday and I am totally not prepared... I basically get my own table to set up my portfolio, buiz cards, etc to show off my work and talk to company owners. Thing is, this fair is usually only for Advertising and Graphic design majors but they have just started letting all majors join in... so I can tell you right now they will not be very interested. Already spent a good $300+ dollars getting prints/ cards/ professional outfit and so forth for this, it's aggravating blahblahblah letting of some steam

brb loosing my mind :T
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