school = over!

May 09, 2008 19:15

Well for this semester at least,

I did really well on my grades so I'm pretty happy. I think I gained weight or something from all the stress xDD time to start walking around town again :P

UGH the house is so dirty, must clean! But yeah nothing really important.

summer plan:

Oh yeah, saw Speed Racer yesterday.
It was... rather interesting. If you can imagine the show x 100 on acid that was the movie.
It was so damn colorful, and I don't know if that was a good or bad thing D:
Kinda awkward watching it for the first ten minnutes and then I got used to it.
Did speed always have a mom and some mechanic named... Skipper? (was that his name??) I don't know!


finals, school, rome, speed racer

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