Mar 18, 2004 12:29
Its really tough to stay awake in class when you aren't sleeping well. But so far I've managed to do so.
I meant to post last night but got caught up in other things and forgot. I was able to register for all my classes, even the 2 I needed override codes for. So I registered for 3 online and then took the overrides to Brady and that rounded out my schedule. 15 hours shouldn't be bad, thats how many I'm taking now anyway.
I've gotten everything done early so I can go home about 10:30 tomorrow morning. I can't wait to get home and sleep in my own bed. Break is gonna be sooo good. I just wanna hang out, go to some movies, and do a little shopping. I have a good feeling I can accomplish all 3 of my objectives.
Um well I think thats it for the time being. Later!
Spring Break starts tomorrow! (More or less)