
Jan 25, 2012 15:42

Woke up this morning and saw the news about Jin dating Kuroki Meisa. hmmm...didn't see that coming, but i remember their awkwardness in old CTKT, so i can't really imagine them being together. But Meisa is so gorgeous! If Jin is dating her, WOW. I'm not sure if I want to believe it tho, since it's weird how the rumours came out straight on the 1st ( Read more... )

pv, rumors, akanishi jin

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kazumishizue January 25 2012, 10:09:18 UTC
idc if jin dating with meisa or any Japanese girls..somehow I glad it..at least, not chick from american girls..XDD


jindaluver January 25 2012, 10:58:50 UTC
haha. maa...sis cume hrp jin bhgie dgn mane2 pompuan yg die pilih. tp harap jugak the lucky girl akan bhgiakan jinjin selame-lamenya. wuuu...

demo ne....meisa terlalu perfect lah utk jin. xmo. sis xrela. haha. i was hoping jin can date someone sweeter. almost like a girl who is sweet, pretty and caring towards our bakanishi *wishful thoughts*


kazumishizue January 25 2012, 15:13:43 UTC
maybe meisa ni jenis yg wild cket..and terlalu cantik..tu la rsa mcm xbrp ok..tp picture yg dorg went disneyland ssma tu..awwww, mcm nmpk sweet jer..><
me also..kte pn hrapkan someone sweeter and cute one for him but at least she's a Japanese even though she's an half...I don't like if jin with another blonde chicks or whatsoever..mcm xtentu jer..please la... XDDD


jindaluver January 25 2012, 15:23:39 UTC
haha. betul2. maa...let's see what atok says tomorrow. hee XD


kazumishizue January 25 2012, 15:27:42 UTC
ehhh?? bukan atok dah denied ker?? konon atok denied dorg punya love affair dan company meisa ni just guna kan trick tu utk movie promotion dia..orzz...cepatnya atok...sasuga!! XDD


jindaluver January 25 2012, 15:40:18 UTC
tau yg atok denied tu. tp xtau plak ade explanation pnjg lebar dr atok. wuu...kl btl company meisa wat gitu. xpatut...mmg xpatut. but, maybe jugak rumors ni mmg btl, just company meisa tu trs nk amik kesempatan kn. hmm...


kazumishizue January 25 2012, 15:54:42 UTC
intan bca dr tweets...wuuu~
xpst plak btul or x..tp picture tu..aigooo.. >_______<
okay, anggap jer dorg just kwn ..<--nk sedapkan ati


cnidaria_jin January 25 2012, 14:52:23 UTC


kazumishizue January 25 2012, 15:08:29 UTC
sis DD..ILU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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