KAT-TUN are damn hot, sexy and gorgeous!!!!

Dec 19, 2010 17:21

Hisashiburi!!! >_________<

Hehe.minna, genki? Anyone miss me?? XD

To my f-lists in Malaysia, it’s raining heavily these days ne? It’s so cold~! *snuggling in my blanket* I’m pretty sure it’s snowing pretty bad too for the others living in the 4 season country right? I even heard that some flights are canceled too because of it, and it’s going to be Christmas soon for some of you. Maa…. Take care ne. I hope you guys can make it home soon. :)

Ah. Notice the two hot gorgeous guys above??? *points upward* kyaaaaaa!!!! I can’t resist!!! Me want!! ♥ and..and..and..

I MADE MY FIRST WALLY!!! (ok, second if u consider the 1st one which I did recently which is pretty ugly.huwa.*cries*) But I’m very satisfied with this one. It took me hours, because…Well...i’m a perfectionist but I’m new at photoshopping stuff especially in making wally, and… I always have some issue with the colour and stuff... *pouts*

Anyway, here’s the wallies. Made two versions out of it. The difference are just the font for ‘KAT-TUN’. But I hope you guys will love it!!!

(click on the image to download)

comments are much much love!!
p/s: do you think I should share this in community like KTL/ going_gonin ? I’m shy~ >____<

wally, daily, kat-tun, ueda tatsuya, nakamaru yuichi, f-list

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