so, first and foremost... check out the new user pic i made this morning. i love the looking for group comic. ( i feel a special affinitiy for richard, the undead warlock of the comic. i can often be found saying that exact same thing while playing world of warcraft - and i especially love to set things on fire with my mad mage skillz. i felt the need to pay small tribute to my murderous brother in arms.
on a sadder note, my dearest partner in life has been sick since monday. he was achy and feverish, but no sneezing or coughing (much)... we didn't quite know what was wrong. he started feeling yucky after we saw transformers with chris and heather on sunday night. he took a shower monday morning and decided work sounded like a bad idea, so stayed home. his fever shot up to 102.2 F by the next morning, so he made a doctor's appointment tuesday morning. they said immediately that he shouldn't go to work for the rest of the week because he was highly contagious (yay for me). they also told him to go and get chest x-rays. so we did that on tuesday around lunch time and then i went by kroger and got soups and vitamin c and extra strength tylenol (because he still had body aches and chest pain) and, of course, dr peppers. because who doesn't want dr peppers when they're sick? also i picked up some prescriptions for a z-pack antibiotic and cough medicine. so we got a call wednesday and the doctors confirm it is pneumonia. great. so i pick up some stronger antibiotics and come home from work early to take care of my sweetheart. he's not allowed to go to work until after next tuesday i think now.
on a happier note, the reason i was able to take daniel to get his xrays on tuesday was because i had a job interview tuesday morning. it's with my cousin's husband's company which is a sales representative company for different types of companies that design and manufacture electronic components like power sources, switches, capacitors, etc. they've called me back in for another interveiw friday morning at 10:00. they are located there by northeast mall, which is LOADS closer to where we live now than the office i'm currently working in. my current company is being supportive. i mentioned, kelela, that you might be interested in some part time work. they'd rather have a full time person, but it's up to you if you want to do that. it is a pretty cushy job, though. let me know if you're interested and i can give you my boss' email address to send in your resume... of course, all that depends on what happens with my interview tomorrow.
anyway, that's a quick update on what's going on.