First Post

Jun 25, 2020 15:30

I'm not very active in Lj, but I thought I had to do this...

Welcome to jin_rabu LJ!


It's also in my sidebar, but anyways!

Name: Patri [in fact, Patricia]
Nick: matsu [with this kanji -> 末 meaning "end" <3]
Country: Spain - Barcelona
Birthday: 18/08/1988
Another pages: LastFM Jumping to my heart blog
Groups: I'm into JE in general, but recently I'm more into Hey! Say! JUMP, Kis-My-Ft2, A.B.C-Z and juniors
Idols: Takaki!♥ Keito, Yama-chan, Daiki, (HSJ), Jin, Taipi, Yuta, NonSanada, T&T, Kei-chan and a very long etc... I have lots of love to share xD
What's in my LJ?: my life, some random things and thoughts, selling posts...

Random things about me *UPDATED*
  • I'm in my last course of English Translation (after 5 long years!)
  • I'm studying Japanese, officially I'm in my forth year, but I started 5 years ago. Not that I've studied 5 years, but I have a wider vocabulary than average :3
  • I'm a very shy person, but when I know the other, I can't talk endlessly [Taipi and Koyama are my models =D *runs*]
  • I'm more than normal useless in mornings, that's why I had to retake a uni course *runs again* -> and maybe 2 ;__; -> let's say one and a half *sigh*
  • I used 5 alarms to wake me up, but I can stop the first four w/o noticing o___o -> now I just use 2; if the second time I don't wake up, I give up XD
  • I love to be before my pc, reading fics or watching doramas ♥ Japanese ones are good - not so much chaps and 40-min-long - just perfect X3
  • I have lots of OTP, but my ichiban is HiroSuke ♥ Kisumai is a well-paired group, really xD -> now I'm into HSJ pairings too~~ Inoo fits with almost everyone in HSJ o_o XD I love TakaYama (chubby!pair) and TaDaiki (fighting pair "you, chibi!" "you, stupid!" you know, that kind of fight XD)
  • Sometimes I try to do something useless with the pics I have but... well, change topics xD
  • MSN stress me out X3
  • My Ipod's name is Jin; my HD's, Taipi *runs* -> addition: my laptop's name is Hasshi XD and my cellphone and external HDD are called Yuyan♥
  • I love to drive, although I don't do that very often u_ù -> now I drive almost every day~~ *________*
  • I pray for Kisumai debut <3 -> stil not debuted?! damn you, Johnny-sama! -> a year since debut announcement! Time sure flies~~

Selling posts:
JE items
Official Shop Photos
Spanish manga
KPop Items

+ sidebar links :D

You can add me [you really want to do this? xD], but most of my posts are not locked~
My entries will be in English, for I need to practice, but some random phrases will be rather in Spanish or Japanese
I'll try to upload at least once a week, but I can't promise anything xD I upload almost everyday now!

thanks for the banner, neo_hippie_cat ♥
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