Happy birthday, dear Yuuyan!!!
You too! 20 = LEGAL
This month is SO full of happiness XD
Now I can go to drink with him, yaaaay!!!
He better be ready this summer, a crazy gaijin is coming...
YES, I bought my airplane ticket!!! I'll be in Japan all this August~ with my dear dear friends, eating a lot, watching KT-TUN concerts (wth? u___u)... I hope there's more concerts to see, pretty please ó_o if not, I have tons of things to do there, I just have to do a list XD
Atm, I have to plan what to do everyday, and I'll be at ease ^-^
Today just this! I have to do a lot of things before going out again to have some dinner with some Korean friends I hadn't seen in ages *_________* I felt so sociable these two days...
sorry for spamming your f-list, I ♥ you all XP