Art/Vid: When Snake meets Squid (R)

Sep 18, 2010 18:32

Title: When Snake meets Squid
Author: jin_fenghuang and fanficforensics
Characters/Pairings: Squid/Nagini, Nagini/Harry, implied Snape/Sirius
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: crack, bestiality
Other Warnings: Do not eat or drink while watching! We mean it!

Summary/Description: Nagini does Dallas Hogwarts. You'll see.
Author's Notes: On a hot summer night in Rome three fangirls opened a bottle of port. This is the result. Enjoy! This was made for

r_grayjoy in the "appreciate your mod" theme of this month's Daily Deviant. Part of the blame is hers :P

When Snake meets Squid

squid, nagini, daily deviant, harry, r, pencil, crack, snape, sirius

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