Project Discription: Using images captured by the scanner and or your digital camera, create a comparison between two compositions. Pursue a comparison that emphasizes the identity of the particular visual elements. Have atleast twenty images to work with in your folder that focus on the two ideas you will be comparing. Pay attention to the condition of the light and the role it plays as you capture images.
If you can't think of two elements to compare, then it could be a fictious character or self-portrait analysis or an experimentation of layers of contrasting textures. Think about how a combination of imagery can make your piece more or less specific. What objects provide enough visual information to reveal their identity and how can you juxtapose this information to make a statement.
...Basically one side contradicts the other side
Orginal paramaters of the project:
Two 8 x 10 composistions at 360dpi
Flatten files
Save as JPEG
Use Last name as part of the file name
no .psd file
Artists discription:
Basically a comparison between motion and standing still. The story is that whenever we are at a stand still in life for whatever reason the world continues to move whether we like it or not. The people and the places continue to move while we are at a stand still until our feelings let us move on. Even though we can't quite make out her face, she is still a strong memory or presence in everything that we believe was good. The colors convey feeling, warm colors convey beauty while the cool colors convey lonelyness. I had the idea of the right image with the motion blurs and light in the center from watching too many movies I guess. I pictured the person leaning on a beam while a train was wizzing by in the background. Always seemed like that was the ultimate way to show lonelyness with motion.
Edit: Professors input and grade from project:
The two figures have some relation to one another as evident in the motion blurs that occur between their forms. The repetition of the horizon lines creates a nice pattern in each side that also make a interesting visual comparison. The suggestion for a narrative is vague, what is the relation between the forms and how much does the viewer need to be aware?