You dont have to read this, I just needed to clear my head.

Aug 31, 2005 18:31

The Oil companies work just like any other business. The two governing principals for any money market is supply and demand. We all need oil to survive the life style we are acustomed to. The price is raised for every excuse in the global market. There is no massive shortage, but if there seems to be an excuse they can use, then why not charge more? that's good for business. Why release vehicles with better mileage? or ones that operate on alternative fuels? after all they do exist. They even own the patents to them. But this is bad for our American "big business" world. When a business has a corner on the market for a new technology it only makes rational sensen for the greedy bastards to progressively release the product instead of collecting what would be the final profits. Not only that but they have another country make it for them at cheaper labor costs. Ask yourself, Why sell plasma TV's before HDTV or Tube TV's? who would buy all the higher end HDTV's or Tube TV's on the market if the plasma was the same price and obviously better. As gas prices increase the demand for a fuel efficient cars increase. However, by creating a car too efficient it would reduce the demand for gasoline and therefore reduce the price. This would cause the demand for fuel efficient cars to decline. On the other hand if you slowly make each newer model get better and better mileage as the prices goes up. The demands would be balanced because as the price increased the technology would keep up just enough to make it affordable without causing the demand for gas to go down significantly. The end is near. They are Milking the end game. But can we fight this?


There is no stopping the Drip Drip Drip. (Radiohead in a sense)

Expect Honda to introduce Hydrogen cars. They already have been testing the FCX and are considering sales to start at the end of this year. Why the end of this year? Cause gas is going to sky rocket.

Big business has outsourced our country. Our pride is now left in China.

FACT: We were one badass mother fucking superpower after World War II
Why? Because we were dependent to No One for our survival.
What happened? Thank your father and mother.

We are stretched thin and things arn't going to be this nice forever.
Roaring Engine replaced by Low Hum makes Jimmy otherwise a Dull Boy.
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