Yeah I don't think I've updated in a while

Apr 02, 2005 22:02

Hm... Yeah... Uh... Anyone? Anything you want me to yell about? Anything at all? I mean hell I can yell about anything really. So yeah I need someone to give me an idea. Ok not taking any of Rodrigo's idea's... horney Ricans... God damn...

Oh yeah I got something. The pope he died today. Well he was like in his mid 80's. He was a good man and all, but he tried to hold the world back on so much. He said gay marriage was wrong. He said any advances in science to help crippled people was wrong so yeah. No big lose to me at least. The fucker. Well actually you know what no hate against him. Just I hate the way he thought. I hate the way the church thinks. My freedom cannot be restricted by the government so what makes the church think a book can hold me? It takes away rights and freedoms. Why would that in anyway send me to heaven. I'll happily go to hell as long as I can live a life of true freedom. Enough of this I'm not getting into a religious debate because they always end the same.
Now this is another thing I've been thinking about, how can I stage a big protest? Is there anyone willing to start a march with me just against the state government first? I think it would be fun as hell. Now there's one thinking about Anarchy which would completely make it never work. First we need to organize and that's one of those things. Anarchy can't get to organize because it's against all that. We need to organize though so there are enough of us to stage a protest big enough to matter. There has to be a way to help out everyone together. We need to actually just get into a big group and start a big fucking protest. We need to show people we are serious about the way we think the way we are. We need to make people believe there are enough of us to make a difference. One person can do so much, but a group can do even more. That's what we need. For your future. For your future sons and daugthers lives. For your parents. For your brothers and sisters. These are all the people you care about in your life. You owe it to them to make a difference. You can't change the world, but you can make a dent. If there are enough of us banded together the dent will and can change the course of our world. Of the power hungry rulers of the world. We just need one person strong enough to lead one person with the courage to take on the world and not back down ever. I would try and be this person, but there need to be people who would follow me. There need to be some followers, but we really need one leader. I can't think of anyone really, but there has to be one. One single person that could fight the system and never back down for any reason at all. This is not something to pass over lightly. People we need to band together. We need to take back everything the country we live in stands for. No violent overthrows, no killings, no bomnings. We have to show them peace can work. It can make the world a better place. It should be your one duty your one goal to make the world better for the next generation that comes. If one generation stops doing that then it will be a chain reaction affect. We need to be a unified nation. United we stand. Divided we fall. That's what we're doing, we're falling. We're falling to the bottom of the pit. There is nothing that is stopping you, but you. I know these are all old cliche's and all, but they are true. We are the only ones stopping a revolution. We're the only ones not allowing ourselves the freedoms that we should be fighting for.

Love the one the only


P.S. Good job Ana for winning your first game of the year. I'll be at your one on Saturday I promise. I love you like none other. Pieaner leaner!!!!
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