(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 13:33

And so I'm watching Amateur's night at The Apollo, and this 11 year old little boy is on. Just to play his guitar, no words or anything. And this kid is rocking out. I mean SERIOUSLY rocking out like he's Axl Rose or something. OMG HE'S PLAYING HIS GUITAR BEHIND HIS HEAD RIGHT NOW. I'M SO GLAD I TURNED AROUND SUDDENLY WHILE WRITING THIS.

Anyway, the first thing I thought of was, Wow this kid is going to have a lot of sex when he grows up. Is that so wrong?

ETA: It's been a day since I forgot I wrote about this, and have since decided that it was not wrong. What IS wrong is that I DIDN'T GET ONE SINGLE E-MAIL ALL DAY. Wah. And Woe, and Whatnot.

So please SPAM ME. I have never ever had a spam entry that worked, so PLEASE help me out! :o) Say anything. Find funny pictures. Rec songs. Rec fics (especially Remus/Sirius, my new love)! Tell me something funny. Tell me something boring. FILL UP MY INBOX! I'll give you a cookie!
(this is also public, in case you have any friends who are bored and like to spam. Just in case, lol.)

ETA: So natabug recc'ed the most amazing fic ever. It goes past bad!fic, to just awful, and beyond just awful to just hysterical. SHE CALLED VOLDEMORT VOLEMOLE!! I shall now always refer to him as such. In a Spanish accent too, cuz it's clearly cooler.

ETA #2: OMG, 100 comments!! I am so happy, best flist ever. :o) HOWEVER - there is still SO much more that I know you guys can give. You know you want to join in, Spammy McSpamerston.
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