Blue moon? Check. Flying pigs? Check. Skiing in hell? Check. Time for an update!
It was the 4th of July today (yesterday?). I joined
predundant and Dave for a party up in the city. The M-1000s were loud, the booze was plentiful, and the watermelons were exploded. And one of Victor's friends got arrested for accidently throwing some firecrackers behind a cop car. She was actually handcuffed and taken away, which is kind of crazy considering she's a good ol' midwestern girl and would be pretty much the last person you'd ever expect to get in trouble with the authorities. So yeah, that was fun.
In other news, I also saw both They Might Be Giants and VNV Nation in concert (at different events, natch). Both put on amazing shows, both from a music perspective and from a showmanship and energy perspective. It's really great to see how much fun they have on stage, how they feed on the crowd, how Ronan Harris is willing to wear little sailor hats if they get tossed on to the stage, all in all very fun experiences. A+++++++, would watch again.
I've picked up Paper Mario for the N64, and Burnout 3 for PS2, and am quite happily rediscovering the joys of console gaming after finally kicking my year-long World of Warcraft addiction. This means that it should be significantly easier to pry me out of my house should that interest you. Let the people take note.
Grand Prix San Francisco happens in San Jose (I know, right?) on August 25th and 26th. I'm greatly looking forward to nerding it up, and will be there, block deck in hand, to go 3-3 drop again.
Medical issues on the quiet side, I'm going in for monthly checkups, but it seems like things are going to stay quiet at this point. Which, by the way, I'm thoroughly grateful for. It's been a wild ride, and I'm glad that it looks to be over. Well, as over it gets.