Feb 19, 2008 23:04
when i came to
gasping for air
or was it gasping
was it deprivation i experienced
was it really a breath at all?
anyway when i came to
i saw that i was above water
finally above water
my eyes and my nose and my mouth
were above water
and as i caught my breath
and my lungs relaxed
and i looked down
i saw i was still in the pool
and every bit of my body
that rose above
out of the water
was one more piece of me
that saw the rest of me that was still wet
and i got cold
as i do when i rise from the pool on a windy late summer day
and i was tempted
to settle back into
the pool
to warm myself
and you call to me
good intentions and hearts and friends
'come back in and play!'
and i hear my mom calling me for lunch
well, not really
shit i'm just hungry
i want to get out
dry off
walk home
and eat lunch