Dec 13, 2004 00:13
I just pondered the wonderous world of computers.
Think about it for a second, before you click onward to read about someone's unfortunate bowel movement, or see someone bitching about a co-worker...
Humans have designed a way to store damn near infinite amounts of information onto boxes that are barely larger than a shoebox. Hell, smaller than a shoe box (look at iPods, man.) The technology that we, collectively, have created is mindblowing, if you take the time to understand the significance of it. And yet, we don't appreciate it one bit. We use it to talk to people, to read gossip, to play games, to attain gratification in one way or another... But we just don't realize how far humanity has come, from using sticks and rocks as tools to being able to look at a picture of a lemur on a wristwatch-sized monitor while standing in Bangledesh.
I pondered something this morning... If I was wandering through the woods, and came upon a crazed animal (let's say a moose, or something,) would I be able to kill that moose?
With bare hands, fuck no. The moose would kick my ass.
But I have the power to analyze what the moose is doing, to come up with a strategy, create tools, and outsmart the moose.
Granted, I'd still get my ass kicked, but I'd learn from that too. If I survivied.
My point there is that I (or on a broader scale humanity,) have so much potential for life, for creation, that it's simply amazing. And yet, instead of doing something, we spend our time creating websites that center on the desecration of school girls, programs that simulate assasinations, and bitch to our friends about how stupid other people are.
And man, are people stupid. Right, friends?