May 10, 2004 22:45
There are points in people's lives that they will always remember. Moments and instances so profound and perhaps shocking that nothing will drive them away from a person's memory. Some can be times of joy and happiness, times that make everything seem dandy and that make life seem perfectly balanced. On the other side though are the darker experiences. Experiences that make people gasp audibly or shudder just thinking about them. Experiences that should be kept deep inside away from all light and stored eternally in a dark, dark place. I have just experienced one of those moments. The initial shockwave is still upon me and I can feel the devastation of the event seeping gradually into my skin. What I have partaken in gives a new meaning to the word terror. I know I will remember this forever and that no amount of therapy or counseling will ever rid myself of this fiasco.
This is your last chance. I repeat, if your will is at all weaker than the strongest of all wills, READ NO MORE, for if you do, I cannot gaurantee safety from permanent mental injuries. For those brave enough and pure of heart, read on, but don't say that I never warned you.
It happened all too fast. I recall the sequence of events with great clarity as if I were still involved in the calamity. I was chilling at my computer and watching television when I got one of those urges that speak to you from your gut insticts. I was hungry. I got off my lazy ass and waddled over to the freezer, where I knew donuts were lurking. I grabbed one and waddled back to my computer chair and plopped down. I got lost in what I was doing and unconsciously grasped my donut and took a bite. As I bit the piece off, I froze. Disaster had struck and I was its horrible victim. I started shaking and silently screamed. Pure horror and agony clouded my eyes as I sat there, stunned and shocked, full of the darkest despair.
The donut was cold and hard, and not moist and delicious. The freezer had done pure evil on it and sapped from it its pure quality of awesomeness. The terror of the heinous event was all-encompassing and embedded the evil inside of me, assuring that I would never forget.
I told you it was horrible. Yet you did not heed my words. Now you have payed the price and too bear the knowledge of this atrocity. May the powers that be have mercy on our accursed souls.