Feb 26, 2005 13:55

From the Feminist Majority Foundation:

"Every minute of every day, women around the world put their lives on the line to end unwanted pregnancies. Many pay with their livs. Other's suffer serious, often permanent injuries."

"Social factors very often restrict women's access to safe abortion. Some cultures and religions regard both sex and abortion as things that can't be talked about. Adolescents, especially, are hungry for knowledge about their bodies, sex, and how to prevent pregnancy and disease."

"In Kenya, adolescents' access to comprehensive information on sex and reproductive health, including ways to prevent pregnancy, remains very poor. Although school policies no longer require it, expulsion of pregant girls is still common in many areas."

"Almost all countries legally permit abortion in some circumstances, but numerous laws and policies restrict women's access to safe services. These restrictions do not stop abortion--they merely drive it underground, exposing women to dangerous methods and unqualified providers."
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