Vanilla Phreak rant warning, only of interest to fanfic readers/writers

Mar 09, 2010 19:23

What the hell is with the "adult spanking" stories? Call it "domestic discipline" or BDSM or what-have-you, it is still pretty far out there for my taste and I have whole boatloads of trouble seeing just about any of the characters I view in my various fandoms as being up for it, on either end.

No, not Sheppard/McKay, not Gibbs/Dinozzo, seriously not O'Neill/Jackson, not Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock, Spock/anyone (really!), Fraser/Kowalski - oh please!, and to the darling who came up with the LotR get a special outraged yelp from me.

Anne - I think it's time to actually break out the VP t-shirts and start selling them to fund the movement. I can still remember the 10 rules of VP fanfic writing/reading. Whaddya say?

fandom, rant

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