5 months old

Oct 03, 2007 15:55

As of yesterday Emma Rose has graced with her presence for 5 months.  I can't believe my baby girl is already 5 months old.  I know I always say this but time really does go by fast.  She's getting bigger and bigger yesterday.  We had an appointment last week for a vaccination and she weighed 11 lbs 8.5 oz.  She's no longer in any newborn clothes, they are all too small on her.  She's finally fitting into her 0-3 months quite well.  I now need to pack up her newborn clothes and put them in storage.  I'm going to sell a few items on Ebay but the rest will go into storage for when a family member or friend has a little girl.  She's rolling over from her back to front and her front to back but not a complete roll over yet.  But I'm sure that time is coming.  She loves to stand.  That is her favorite new thing to do, she wants to stand all the time and I mean all the time.  She's still only sleeping thru the night occasionally.  I really really hope she sleeps thru the night all the time soon.  She's loving her solid foods.  She eats and eats on them.  She does not like peas or pears at all.  Her favorites are bananas and applesauce and squash and carrots.  She does poop orange though when she eats squash and carrots.  I think that's why she's getting bigger so much fast than she had been.  She's still eating like 24-28 oz of formula a day and in the morning and at night we put cereal in her bottle.  She's doing so well.  She's smiling all the time.  Her smile just brightens the day no matter how rough it is.  
Frankie is doing well in school.  The end of the six weeks is Friday so we should have report cards sometime next week.  He comes home everyday singing a new song that teaches him something.  Yesterday is was about the five senses and today it was a song about blue and a song about yellow.  His teacher is good, I wonder where she gets these songs or if she makes them up.  She has talent and is a great teacher.  He still talks to much in school.  He gets notes sent home often because he talks to much.  She says he's very bright but he just needs to work on his behavior and control his talking.  She says he is very polite and one of the ONLY students who always says Yes Maam, thank you, please and excuse me.  My son has great manners!!!
I love my kids they sure are great.
I finally watched the series premiere of Ugly Better last night.  I can't believe the ending.  I was rather mad.  All new Grey's Anatomy tomorrow, YAY!!  This season started off way better than last season.  I hope it ends better too.  Steven and I are starting Christmas shopping.  We know it's more than 2 months away but since we have to kids this year we want to get them the best stuff and we need to spread it out for financial reasons.  I want to get Emma a jumperoo and a push toy.  I know she's not walking yet but it'll be good to get her one.  We don't have any of Frankie's old baby toys.  She needs something to play with.
I'm off to cook dinner for the family and then head to work.  Too bad I don't get off until after midnight.  Heres some pics of the kids just for fun.....

Emma Rose Haynie 5 months old.  She's likes to stick her tounge out recently and I'm not sure why.

Miss Emma Rose pulled herself up!

Pretty eyed girl!!

My life:)

Frankie being goofy and dancing!!
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