
Feb 02, 2008 19:52

I watched the democratic debate the other night, Hillary and Barack. I was amazed to see two politicians actually sit down together in talk in a respectful and cultured way about (gasp!!!!) issues.

And I really liked Barack's statement about "ending the kind of mindset that got us into this war in the first place."

I totally agree.

And while he is about it, can we please end this moronic neocon mindset that the problem with the economy is that the super rich don't have enough money and need more tax breaks.

Purleeeeeez!!! The economic policies of the past 7 years are nothimg more than a giant nation-wide ponzi scheme that is only now just starting to collapse around our ears.

But the super rich will not be the ones who suffer the pain of having to put our economic house in order. It will be the ordinary working people and their children (and possibly grandchildren).
The poorest amongst us will suffer most of all, losing not only what little they have, but probably paying for their increased privation by a shortening of their life expectancy.

You know, though, what bothers me most of all is how timid the American people have become. Exxon just posted a record 42 BILLION in profits for fiscal 2007, and no one seems to have raised a voice in protest.

Normally, when the cost of doing business rises -- because of say a rise in raw material costs (like buying oil from Arabs) -- the companies in the business try to keep their customers by squeezing their own profit margins. This happens in, say, the Airline industry where competition forces them to keep prices low or even reduce them.

Not so those monsters in the oil cartels -- and a cartel certainly must be, for only a business with some monopoly power can pay more for it's raw materials and raise prices through the roof immediately, without any contraction in sales.

When are the American people going to wake up and begin to fight against these very real injustices and inequities in our economic system? Will it take not just 2 million people (the current projection), but  3 or 4 million losing their homes? Will it be when 50, 60, 70 million  or even more people lose their access to health care?

Do they know that America now spends 60% of ALL the world's expenditure in defence and weapons systems...more than EVERY other country in the world put together?

Wake up people! This country is truly on the verge of an economic meltdown. I have been saying it now for nearly 2 years. It is already happeining, but you haven't seen anything yet.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.
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