The Republican u tube debate is going to be on September 17 in Fort Lauderdale. (Gay holiday ville ? hah hah!)
The moderator is going to be Joe Farah, whose latest glog starts with the headline "Arrest Hillary" and back in 1994, slammed McCain as a "wimp" for breaking under torture.
The panelists will include:
- Phyllis "How can we gas gays as quickly as possible" Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum,
- Don ("Disney Corp is immoral because it is too gay friendly") Wildmon, Chairman of the American Family Association,
- Paul ("Rich people should NOT be taxed because they provide so many jobs") Weyrich, President of the Free Congress Foundation, (Funny they should call it the "Free Congress". I would have thought that we had the best congress money could buy.
- Judge Roy ("I dont care about the fucking constitution, the supreme court or anyone.. I'm going to put up the 10 commandments in MY courtroom") Moore, Chairman of the Foundation for Moral Law,
Bobby (" Terri is alive and smiling and getter better after 13 years") Schindler of Terri's Fight, and
... and a bunch of other holier than thou Christian Reich.. ooops i meant "right" .hah hah persons who will show to the world that the Republican party is now soooooo far to the reich, er sorry, mea culpa again, i mean right, that they are about to fall off the edge of this flat earth they seem to believe in.
Does anyone apart from the permanent 17% of wing nut loonies still take this hilarious bunch seriously?
Still, it should be a funny debate, although i suspect that nausea might set in pretty quickly!