From JW Humans like to kill humans, steal from each-other, rape, lie and pillage, but cats and dogs are just cats and dogs. They just love us.
Marlboro, the cat.
Buzz, the cat.
Grizzly, also, the cat.
Notre Dame de Stanbridge - Amidst the collapsing tin roof, the few blackened walls that remained and the water bowls covered in ash, it was the cat’s charred skeleton that stood out.
What was once a refuge for this cat, and as many as 150 others, burned down yesterday morning, killing most of the feline population.
Cats perish as fire ravages Townships animal shelter -- Montreal Gazette I intend to reach out to local Veterinary clinics and businesses and to the Gazette to try to secure donations, ideally matching donations, but I’d like to have a semi-meaningful private commitment to show a seriousness to the cause. That means you. I’m willing to commit $200.00 CAD up front, and additionally I will match the largest private commitment up to another $100.00, or more depending on response. Every cent of every dollar will be applied directly towards reestablishing a shelter to replace this one lost. I will be investigating whom exactly that will be because as the story says, “Perret isn’t planning to rebuild the shelter”, but I think we can convince her otherwise. If not, I’m sure there is an appropriate end point personality we can find to pick up the torch.
This uncertainty means that I’m only asking for a commitment, not actual monies at this point. It is my intention to be entirely transparent about what money goes where when transactions actually take place. No, you don’t get any kind of tax rebate, just the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing you’re a decent human being.
You can make a commitment by commenting on this story, or emailing me
Jimmy/Aaron Cameron. Your donation will be highlighted and its virtue extolled to the best of my meager abilities.
Please take a moment to look at your own loved dog or cat, and think of their being stuck on the street because no suitable shelter exists to take care of them. The shelters opened and run by people like Claudine Perret give refuge and medical attention to thousands of orphaned, abandoned or otherwise homeless animals every year and they deserve our support. This shelter’s damage has been estimated at approximately $75 000, but the damage its loss will do to the resident animal population is much greater than can be expressed by a number.
For those who own fewer pets than is considered socially uncomfortable (oh, something like 3), can inquire about adopting an animal by calling 450-296-4219.
We all talk about doing something for our community, let’s actually do something this time. Comment here or email me,
Jimmy/Aaron Cameron.
(Comments, or better, Commitments)