The Loosing of the Shadow

Apr 27, 2006 21:47

Title: The Loosing of The Shadow
Author: jimmysullivan
Band: Avenged Sevenfold
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned in this story. Nor do I have any affiliation. It is all fiction, it is all in good fun. Gatsby's American Dream own the title.
Summary: Once upon a times don't always come with happily ever afters. Drabble.
Date(s) Posted: 04/25/06

Once upon a time, you were happy. Once upon a time, the ending of the story was going to be happy, because you had the boy, you had the band, and you both were happy and healthy. But fairy tales are never real and once upon a times are never ended with happily ever afters. The boy started to have a drug problem and you didn’t realize how bad it was until he was wasting away. And the boy kept you home for months, barely sleeping, barely eating, barely doing anything but watching him. Making sure he wouldn’t sneak out when you weren’t looking, making sure that he was going to get clean. And he did, so you set into recording. But recording meant friends and friends meant drugs for the boy, and you couldn’t always be there to watch. But the boy had an honesty complex and every failure he’d make he’d confide in you. Every slip up, and there was more than one. One two three four five six. That was the only thing to drive you insane, to drive you to screaming at him in a foreign tongue, because no one was supposed to know how upset you were about that.

And that led to your breakup with the boy, in New York City while mixing the album. Because that was where no one knew you and where no one could tell. And you took it well, because you thought he would get over it and come back, because you were the prince charming and he was your princess. But he never came back. Instead, he’d drink and cry and spend more and more time with Johnny because Johnny never yelled at him for his cocaine habit. Because Johnny didn’t care about him getting healthy. And you two thrust yourselves into relationships to piss the other off, his one of Val’s friends, a pretty girl named Holly who clung to him and treated everyone else like crap because she was scared of losing him, yours Val’s twin sister Michelle who always seemed interested in you. It was loveless, she really wasn’t what everyone thought she was, the sweet fun loving image was really a mask for a spoiled party girl, but you kept up the façade because now you were gaining popularity. People were getting harder to trust, but you didn’t want people, you wanted the boy.

But the more time that passed, the more time the boy spent with others. It was a constant battle between the two of you, but nothing could save you. Too much time spent together, but all it was distant. You could be in the same room, but feel miles and miles away. You were trapped, in love with him and watching him destroy himself. Watching him become closer to the enemy. The time he did spend with you meant you had to watch what you said, because your time with him was precious. Your time with him was the only thing you looked forward to anymore, and you hated when it was interrupted by fans and groupies and friends. You wanted the boy back, but it couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t let it, despite your begging, despite your whispered ‘I love you’s when the two of you would let your passion get the better of you. The boy denied you your happily ever after.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. He’d change back and forth, healthy and not, happy and not. The sparkle in his eyes had died a long time ago, back in New York City almost a year ago. The smile on his face that was reserved only for you was barely used anymore; he rarely leaned against you when playing. It seemed that he didn’t want to spend much time with you anymore. He was changing, and that was more evident to you than ever before. The boy you had fell in love with was no longer the same, instead he was ZackyV now, the rock star now. And everyone around you was changing, Michelle was changing, Johnny was changing, Jimmy was changing. And you were the only one who could keep yourself separate, you were the only one who would know when to be Synyster and know when to be Brian. Because once upon a time, the boy told you that he loved Brian, so you learned how to separate. You learned for him, you changed for him. But now Synyster was a rare creature and Brian was insecure, Brian was dying because his girlfriend was developing the same problem as the boy had. Because she only wanted him for a free ride, because she wasn’t what she seemed. And the boy didn’t even want a best friend anymore, he had Johnny now. Johnny didn’t make him feel bad.

And now there was nowhere to go. You were young yet, the happy ending still had its chance to work out. But who were you to predict the future, who were you to say what’s going to happen? The world still held brighter days, and you knew deep in your heart that one day, one sweet day, the boy would come back to you. But for now, you wouldn’t hold your breath.
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