I am not feeling fierce right now.

Jan 10, 2008 04:06

OH MY GOSH!!!!! PROJECT RUNWAY WAS SO EMOTIONAL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHRISTIAN ALMOST GOT KICKED OFF!!!! BUT HE IS SAFE!!!!! OHHHH DEAR LORD I AM SO HAPPY!!!! I literally cried tears of joy when it was announced that he was safe.... Oh my gosh I am so happy! I liked Kevin though, but I cannot even feel bad about his departure! There is too much happiness and relief that Christian is not gone!!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh the relief!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a loser. I have never cried over a reality show before... yet I did today! Oh man I am SO HAPPY!!!!!!!! AHHH CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!! His dress this week was so ugly, but he essentially did what his bitch client asked for. She was AWFUL! Christian should have won the whole damn thing just because he dealt with that girl.

That is Christian's dress... it is not his fault that it is ugly!!!! It's that stupid model's fault! She fucking asked for that dress!!!! Damn her!!!!

In all actuality, Sweet P should have won! Her dress was BEAUTIFUL!!!! She's never won a challenge before! 


Gah stupid Victorya and her ugly dress that ended up winning...


That is Kevin's dress... he lost. Maybe if the model had worn a damn bra, it wouldn't have been as bad!!! Kevin should have finished the hem, though... but still, the lack of boob support sure didn't help. Yet the judges didn't comment on that! Whatever. Jerks.

Ya know, I really don't like the challenges when they have actual clients, because it doesn't seem fair to the designers! They are supposed to design something based on what the client asks for, and still make it look like their own design. That is all well and good. But if they do what the client asks, and the client likes it, and the judges do not like it... the designer could very well be kicked off the show! Which is just stupid. If the client wants something fucking ugly, don't blame the designer for that! If the client likes it, they should be safe. Whatever. I am just SO GLAD Christian is still there!!!!! Oh good lord, the relief!

Okay, well, I shall be going now. YAY CHRISTIAN!!!!
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