26th September - D Day

Sep 26, 2007 23:48

Obviously it's not actually D-Day today but more my own version of it. Or rather, I just stole the name, infringing all kinds of copyrights with flagrant disregard.

D for departures.
My best mate has moved away today to another country. Darn. ~ Well yes okay its Wales but that's still another country. They've got a beat up sign that says so and everything.

My good friend Becca who kept me sane most of last year @ work in my nine to five futility has similarly upped sticks and got the hell out of dodge. She's going back to Uni, I admire the effort.

Lianne, who has shown me that she's way too cool for school or any other hierarchical education system these past years left on a jet plane for Rome. Although, she, luckily is only gone for a short time.

While in no way do I begrudge any of these moves (well, in that small entirely self-centred cell there's some of that) it still sucks a little that they're gone. I'm gonna miss them all, much.

Just feels like everyone is going away at the moment. I've had two friends leave for about as far across the opposite hemisphere of the globe as you can get already this year.

I'm fearing that if the current trend continues that I'll need to start the whole 'making friends thing' again. Damn. I don't even know how I did it the first time.

Maybe if I bake them cake? Everyone likes cake right?
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