so, i am sitting here alone in the SAB listening to Mae. Mae is really cool, you guys should listen to them.
i dunno. I am kinda just...out of it. i feel good. fairly like peaceful. i dunno. i am good.
i'd be better if i had some cash though, but that is besides the point.
anyway....i dunno. i never have anything to write on this anymore. i used to update about 12 times a day. i am totally NOT joking. oh well. you guys should find me on Myspace and Xanga. i'd give you links but i'm lazy so i will do that later.
i dunno.
:-) i don't exactly know the purpose of this entry. at all.
so friday is the battle. i WILL see you there. Come dressed in costume, please. or at least just dress really funny. i like doing things like that in a group. but either way i'ma be dressed all goofy is. go to that and listen to the first two..well listen to it all but i like the first two most.
happy early birthday to ashtyn. it is on the 5th. so if ya'll see her tell her happy birthday, please. or don't just get her presents. heh. i am about to fall asleep. i am very tired.